
About us

goMICE is a corporate group travel and events agency operating under the wings of Global Travel Management agency, Uniglobe Alliance Travel.This gives us the power of a global player but the personal touch of a local partner.

The goMICE professionals

Met ons team van enthousiaste professionals realiseren we meetings, incentives, concepts en events. Dit doen we zowel in het binnen- als buitenland. Hospitality en ontzorgen zit in onze hart en nieren. Wij zijn gek op organiseren, reislustig en energiek waardoor wij veel van de wereld zien en onze kennis en expertise vol enthousiasme met anderen delen.

GoMICE project managers are experienced professionals who easily connect and think along on a strategic and operational level. We love to be included in projects where we can connect, enthuse, activate, and ultimately create an unforgettable experience! This way we can measure effects and generate even more impact!


By offering new technologies around business meetings, we create even more convenience for every participant. We want to connect relationships sustainably and make meetings even more personal and effective..

The power of a global player, but the personal touch of a local partner.

Over ons

We help our clients achieve their goals with by putting their relationships central. We advise and unburden our clients on their way to, during and after their valuable meeting through the commitment and expertise of our enthusiastic travel, event and communication professionals.

The goMICE professionals

With our team of enthusiastic professionals, we realize meetings, incentives, concepts and events. Both online and offline and at home and abroad. Hospitality and facilitating people part of our DNA . We love to organize, have the wanderlust and are energetic. That’s why we have seen many places around the world and share our knowledge and expertise with others, with great enthusiasm.

Anita van Maanen

Managing Director

Rob Jansen

Managing Director

Diewertje Reekers

Director MICE & Marketing

Over ons

Byron Bentley

Commercial Director (Business Travel, Technology & Sales)

Karen van den Berg

Manager Operations

Lotte Brandwagt

Lotte Brandwagt


Nadia de Bruijn


Pascal van Maasakkers


Chiara Rorink


Isa Holtus


Dian Wenteler

Coordinator Communicatie & Social Media

Maxime Schoones

Coordinator Marketing & Communicatie

Scott Jansen

Sales & Marketing Support

Over ons

Elsbeth Rabenort

Management Assistent & HR

Ilona Mertens


Dex Jansen

Sales Support

Wahab Masoud

Technology Manager

Robert Buzink


Marcel Zwart

Business Controller

Ieder evenement, iedere reis en iedere meeting is een unieke gebeurtenis waar je het maximale uit wilt halen. Wij gaan een stap verder omdat wij weten dat ook het traject rondom jullie ontmoeting bijdraagt aan het behalen van jullie doelstelling! Onze Stretch-methode is ontwikkeld om jouw doelgroep ver voor het LIVE moment – maar ook tijdens en daarna – te informeren, inspireren, enthousiasmeren en activeren. Zo ben je gedurende een langere periode top of mind bij uw doelgroep. Kijk hier hoe wij stretchen.


Our clients

We work for companies in the SME market and for multinationals who want to create more impact and get higher results from their LIVE and ONLINE moments.

Whether a meeting, trip or event is initiated by management, marketing, communication, sales or the event department, we think along on a strategic level and take care of the operational aspects from the different organizational goals. goMICE is your partner for the creation and realization of your customer event, kick-off, product launch, dealer day or anniversary. But we can also turn your board trip, sales activation program, team building or incentive trip at into an unforgettable experience. Both at home or abroad.


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